[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Hao Zhang hao at zhang.nu
Wed Nov 18 15:03:45 EST 2009

Hi Norm,

I did as you indicated. The output related to Apache module or cgi is:

* PHP will be built in DEBUG mode
* Building against mapserver >= 4.6, we can use PHP as an Apache module
loading cache ./config.cache
[... ...]
Configuring SAPI modules
checking for AOLserver support... no
checking for Apache 1.x module support via DSO through APXS... no
checking for Apache 1.x module support... no
checking whether to enable Apache charset compatibility option... no
checking for Apache 2.0 filter-module support via DSO through APXS... no
checking for Apache 2.0 handler-module support via DSO through APXS... yes
checking for Apache 1.x (hooks) module support via DSO through APXS... no
checking for Apache 1.x (hooks) module support... no
checking whether to enable Apache charset compatibility option... no
checking for Caudium support... no
checking for CLI build... yes
checking for Continuity support... no
checking for embedded SAPI library support... no
checking for Zeus ISAPI support... no
checking for Milter support... no
checking for NSAPI support... no
checking for PHTTPD support... no
checking for Pi3Web support... no
checking whether Roxen module is build using ZTS... no
checking for Roxen/Pike support...
checking for thttpd... no
checking for TUX... no
checking for webjames... no
checking for chosen SAPI module... apache2handler
[... ...]


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Normand Savard <nsavard at mapgears.com>wrote:

> Hao Zhang wrote:
>> if [ "$PHP_AS_APACHE_MODULE" = 'y' ] ; then
>>    echo "* Building against mapserver >= 4.6, we can use PHP as an Apache
>> module"
>>    OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --enable-cgi --enable-force-cgi-redirect"
>>    if [ ${APACHE_VERSION_MAJOR} = '1' ] ; then
>>        OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --with-apxs=$FGS_BUILD_HOME/apache/bin/apxs"
>>    else
>>        OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --with-apxs2=$FGS_BUILD_HOME/apache/bin/apxs"
>>    fi
>> else
>>    OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --enable-cgi --enable-force-cgi-redirect"
>> fi
>> No matter "$PHP_AS_APACHE_MODULE" = 'y' or not, always has
>> OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --enable-cgi --enable-force-cgi-redirect". Is this correct
>> behavior?
>>  I don't think this is what cause the problem even though it looks weird
> but you can change:
> OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --enable-cgi --enable-force-cgi-redirect"
> in the first "if" for:
> OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --disable-cgi"
> and for the "OPTIONS" in the else, you can change to:
> OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --enable-force-cgi-redirect"
> Then comment the following lines in fgs_build:
> rm -rf $FGS_BUILD_HOME/php
> make clean
> make $FGS_MAKE_OPT all
> Execute "./fgs_build" in the php src directory.  Paste the output related
> to Apache module or cgi here.
> Thanks.
> Norm
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