[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Hao Zhang hao at zhang.nu
Thu Nov 19 12:25:56 EST 2009

Hi Norm,

I change fgs-dev/pkg_def/php/fgs_build by modifying option from "- -
enable-cgi" to "- - disable-cgi" and build php as a module of apache.
However when I try to load a map in the browser, it complains that php and
php_mapscript module do not match because php is compiled with debug mode
while php_mapscript is not. So I try to rebuild mapserver again with flag "-
- enable_debug". After that, finally mapserver works as expected and be able
to execute php code and display map images properly. Thank you very much for
your help and time.


> All things seem to be set correctly.  Do you have a libphp5.so in
> $FGS_DEV/src/php-5.2.9/libs?
> Norm
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