[FGS] Error from php-mysql module

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Tue Jan 5 14:04:24 EST 2010

Alan Hale wrote:
> I've been running FGS Mapserver with PHP Mapscript happily for a while 
> now but recently had to move everything to a new server. I took the 
> opportunity to upgrade to the extended version of FGS 9.5 and also 
> installed the php-mysql module v. 5.2.9
> I'm now getting the warning: "Unable to load dynamic library 
> '/home/fgs/fgs-dev/built/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/php_mysql.so'
> and consequently a fatal error 'Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect()'
> Needless to say that path does not exist on my server - what is going on?

I fixed this issue.  You can download a new self-installer or one of the 
modules from here:



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