[FGS] Using fgs-dev to build module

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Oct 20 15:44:44 EST 2010

Update: yes fgs-dev is still the correct way to build your own module.
I was getting stuck by errors when the archive could not be downloaded
during the 'fgsdev build_all' command; to solve this you can just wget
the archive and place it in /fgs-dev/cache.

Another important note is that fgs-dev has a problem finding the fgs-dev
zlib library (I hit errors when it came to compiling GD), so you can
install the
zlib-devel libs on the system to get around this.

(the steps documented are indeed very helpful:


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 10-10-20 1:46 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am using the recent FGS version (9.5) and I need to compile my own
> version of MapServer.  Am I correct that I should be using fgs-dev to
> build my own version of MapServer (as noted on
> http://www.maptools.org/fgs/index.phtml?page=fgs-sandbox.html), or what
> is the recommended way to compile a module from source inside the FGS
> 9.5 environment?
> Thanks.
> -jeff

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