<DIV><FONT face="Nimbus Roman No9 L,Times New Roman">
<P>I've been trying to install last version of FGS base with Chameleon on Fedora 3. But it doesn't work for me (I'm new in Linux world).</P>
<P>I've followed step by step How to Install FGS, and all works fine. But when I try to test the installation (http://localhost/chameleon/samples/sample_basic_buttonizer.phtml) I just can see an Apache error message.</P>
<P>Not Found</P>
<P>The requested URL /chameleon/admin/index.phtml was not found on this server.</P>
<P>Apache/2.0.52 (Fedora) Server at lisboa Port 80</P>
<P>Then I've run setenv.sh but apparently nothing happens :(</P>
<P>Can someone help me?</P>
<P>Best regards</P></FONT></DIV><p>
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