FIST version 0.4 beta released<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>I would like to announce the availability of Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST) version 0.4 beta. This release is largely about making FIST easier to install and administrate. Key features of this release include:
<br> * a new directory structure for easier management of projects;<br> * integration and enhancement of the FIST-Admin interface for administrating map services;<br> * installation/testing with MS4W and FGS has been completed; and
<br> * installation instructions for both MS4W and FGS are provided.<br>
<br>Download: <br> <a href=""></a><br>Documentation: <br> <a href=""></a><br>Change log: <br> <a href=""></a><br>Mailing list sign up:<br>
<a href=""></a><br>Mailing list archives:<br> <a href="">
</a><br><br>Thanks for your time,<br>Aaron Koning<br><br>+--------------------------------------------<br>| Aaron Koning<br>| Information Technologist<br>| Prince George, BC, Canada.<br>+--------------------------------------------
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