hi all. <br><br>i am very new to this map server and FGS, i have problem of executing the sample application in FGS.<br><br><br>First of all i have installed the FGS mapserver in /opt/fgs in 9000 port . after that i<br>
checked in browser by loading this URL:<b><a href="http://localhost:9000/cgi-bin/mapserv" target="_blank">http://localhost:9000/cgi-bin/mapserv</a></b><br>
<br>then it displays the message as<br><br><u><b> No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.<br><br><br></b></u>Then i have created one Sample Helloworld application .<br>For this i have created one hello.html file and i have placed that file in /<u><b>opt/fgs/www/htdocs/</b></u><br>
<u><b><br><br></b></u>my<b> </b><u><b>Hello.html <br><br></b></u><html><br><head><br><title>MapServer Hello World11</title></head><br><body><br><form method=POST action="/cgi-bin/mapserv"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Click Me"><br><input type="hidden" name="map" value="/opt/fgs/www/cgi-bin/<div id=":8m" class="ArwC7c ckChnd">hello.map"><br><input type="hidden" name="map_web_imagepath" value="/opt/fgs/www/htdocs/tmp/"><br>
</form><br><IMG SRC="[img]" width=400 height=300 border=1><br></body><br></html><br><br><br>Then i have created one hello.map file and placed that file in <u><b>/opt/fgs/www/cgi-bin/<br>
<br></b></u>my <u><b>hello.map<br><br></b></u># This is our "Hello World" mapfile<br>NAME "Hello_World"<br>SIZE 400 300<br>IMAGECOLOR 249 245 186<br>IMAGETYPE png<br>EXTENT -1.00 -1.00 1.00 1.00<br>WEB<br>
TEMPLATE "/opt/fgs/www/htdocs/hello.html"<br>IMAGEPATH "/opt/fgs/www/htdocs/tmp/"<br>IMAGEURL "/tmp/"<br>END<br>LAYER <br>STATUS default<br>TYPE point<br>FEATURE<br>POINTS 0.0 0.0 <br>END<br>
TEXT "HELLO WORLD"<br>END<br>CLASS<br>STYLE<br>COLOR 255 0 0<br>END<br>LABEL<br>TYPE bitmap<br>END<br>END<br>END<br>END<br><br><br>After that i run the HTML file (hello.html) in browser as the <br><br><u><b>URL:<a href="http://localhost:9000/hello.html" target="_blank">http://localhost:9000/hello.html</a><br>
<br> <br></b></u> It displays one button <u><b>"Click Me"</b></u> and <u><b>broken image</b></u> <br><br>If i press the "Click Me" button it shows errors as <br><br><u><b>
loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (/opt/fgs/www/htdocs/tmp/):(line 1)<br><br><br></b></u>Please help me out from this problem,because i am very newbee to this mapserver and FGS<br><br>Thanks in advance<br>