[FWTools] Color format conversion during warp

Matthew Harmon matt at matthewharmon.com
Tue May 10 17:12:56 EDT 2005

Hi All. sorry if this is better at GDAL. I'm still getting my feet wet.


I'm using the fwtools build to reproject some imagery and was wondering if
the warper also converts color data to the destination format.  I can't seem
to get it working properly.


I'm taking some GeoTiff with 3 16-bit bands (11bits of "real" data per band,
I think) and I want to convert it to 3 8-bit bands for ultimate use as a
24bit DirectX texture.  Do I need to manually convert the image after the
warp, or is there a better way.  I think I have my destination dataset
properly formatted and prepared. but maybe that's the problem?


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