[FWTools] FWtools on Linux FC4

Jeremy Sears sears.jeremy at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 20:40:45 EDT 2006

Hi Frank,
Thanks for the response. I've copied those files into my cgi-bin 
directory. I understand that when I point my browser to:
I should get a little line indicating that the mapserver is running, but 
not querys to decode..... Im getting a '500 internal server error'..
My apache log file indicates:     " Premature end of script headers: 
mapserv "
Can you suggest what the issue may be? I should point out that I have a 
few vhosts configured. Will this affect mapserv functioning? Is there 
anything I should be doing to configure mapserv to work with the virtual 
hosts? Or will apache 'know' to look in the cgi-bin dir for mapserv?

my dir structure looks somthing like:

/var/www/cgi-bin/ (mapserv is here)
   "          /virtual
   "          / "      /domainName1
   "          /"       /domainName2


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Jeremy Sears wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have recently installed FWtools on a FC4 server. Im quite certian 
>> that the installation process went ok, however I have a question. How 
>> does one tell apache where 'mapserv' is? That is to say, how does one 
>> configure apache to use 'mapserv' to process mapfiles? I think that 
>> mapserv has been installed porperly, when I type 'mapserv' at the 
>> prompt I get the following msg:
>>  >>This script can only be used to decode form results and
>>  >>should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.
>> Can someone point me to some documentation regarding this? Or perhaps 
>> explain what I should do?
> Jeremy,
> It should be possible to copy FWTools<version>/bin_safe/mapserv to the
> cgi-bin directory.  The bin_safe version is really a shell script that
> "knows" where FWTools is installed and will find all the right shared
> libraries.
> Best regards,

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