[FWTools] OGR -- Geodatabase to shapefile

Thompson, Brian W. FB-DPW Contractor brian.thompson7 at us.army.mil
Tue Jan 3 09:29:39 EST 2006

I'm very interested in the capability of FWtools to convert ESRI geodatabase
to shapefile. My office uses Intergraph GeoMedia Pro software, but the Army
has begun to require data be delivered and imported in geodatabase format.
Big source of frustration. 
I'm using the 'ogr2ogr' command but can't get any results. Hoping someone
can tell me what I'm doing wrong. (Below is my statement) 
ogr2ogr out_shape_C:\Warehouses\shp C:\Warehouses\TESTGDB.mdb
(where "C:\Warehouses\shp" is the destination directory for shapefiles,
and "C:\Warehouses\TESTGDB.mdb" is my ESRI geodatabase. 
Thanks in advance for your help, 
Brian Thompson
Environmental GIS Consultant
Department of Public Works
9430 Jackson Loop, Suite 216
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Brian_Thompson at belvoir.army.mil <mailto:Brian_Thompson at belvoir.army.mil> 
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