[FWTools] Trouble with OGDI Driver and FWTools

Ethan T. Closson EthanC at avi.com
Tue Jan 31 09:57:14 EST 2006

Aha!  I thought I had taken care of that but after digging in deeper it turns out that WAS the problem.  I have a game engine installed elsewhere that uses a different version of GDAL and despite my admittedly weak efforts to use the correct library it was still accessing the wrong one.


-----Original Message-----
From: fwarmerdam at gmail.com [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com]On Behalf Of
Frank Warmerdam
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 10:24 PM
To: Ethan T. Closson
Cc: fwtools at lists.maptools.org
Subject: Re: [FWTools] Trouble with OGDI Driver and FWTools

On 1/30/06, Ethan T. Closson <EthanC at avi.com> wrote:
> Please forgive the possible noobness of this question.  I also felt it was
> best sent here instead of the GDAL list because I think it's more a problem
> with my setting-up of FWTools.
> I'm using Windows XP and I installed FWTools with the FWTools100a8.exe from
> http://www.gdal.org/dl/fwtools/.  I am trying to write an app that can load
> some VMAP0 data.  The trouble is that whether using GDAL or OGR, it doesn't
> seem to load the OGDI driver.
> The code I have for loading and checking the drivers is the following:
> #if defined(GDAL)
>         GDALAllRegister();
>         int numDrivers = GDALGetDriverCount();
> #else
>         OGRRegisterAll();
>         int numDrivers = OGRGetDriverCount();
> #endif
>         printf("Registered Drivers:\n");
>         for(int i=0; i<numDrivers; ++i)
>         {
> #if defined(GDAL)
>                 GDALDriverH driver = GDALGetDriver(i);
>                 printf("\t%s\n",
> GDALGetDriverShortName(driver));
> #else
>                 OGRSFDriverH driver = OGRGetDriver(i);
>                 printf("\t%s\n", OGR_Dr_GetName(driver));
> #endif
>         }
> Whether I define GDAL or not, the OGDI driver is not in the output drivers
> list.
> The OGDI driver IS listed in the formats list for both "gdalinfo --formats"
> and "ogrinfo --formats" however, so I'm not sure where my app could be
> failing.  Is there some other setup stuff that I just overlooked?
> I greatly appreciate any help on this.


I don't know what is going wrong.  But I would encourage
you to be very very sure you are using the GDAL DLL
from FWTools.   If you are, there should be no way for
the OGDI driver not to appear in the list.

Good luck,
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