[FWTools] sql string functions for shapefiles in ogrinfo

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Tue Jan 16 12:04:37 EST 2007

Bryan Keith wrote:
> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> Bryan Keith wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I can use this command and get the output I expect from a shapefile:
>>> ogrinfo "myfile.shp" -al -sql "select * from 'myfile' where ID =
>>> 'SB-18'"
>>> However, what if I want all records where ID starts with 'SB'?  If I
>>> tried left, substr and others e.g.:
>>> where left(ID,2) = 'SB'
>>> I assume if you're using a db like PostGIS then the sql is parsed by the
>>> db, and you can read the db documentation for the sql syntax.  Which sql
>>> syntax reference should I be using for shapefiles?
>> SQL query compiler in OGR supports SQL standard operators: LIKE, ILIKE,
>> IS, IN, etc.
>> So, you can write your query as follows:
>> "select * from myfile where ID LIKE 'SB%'"
>> Cheers
> Mateusz,
> That works for me.  Thank you.


I'm glad.

By the way, there is a document describing OGR SQL dialect in details:


Mateusz Loskot

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