[FWTools] set up mapserver CGI for Windows 2000 using FWTOOLS

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Mar 6 19:53:13 EST 2007

You can always check out MS4W and follow what it does 
(http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/), since it has its own apache already 
configured for MapServer CGI and phpmapscript.


John shock wrote:
> Hello, all:
> I am wondering who knows how to set up MapServer as a
> CGI for apache for windows 2000 using the FWTOOLS
> package?
> I guess what we need to do are to copy the correct
> files from the bin folder to several windows folders,
> create the PROJ_LIB environment variable, modify the
> PATH, add a few environment variables, then restart
> the machine?
> Can anyone tell me the files and the correct folders,
> and the environment variables?
> Thanks
> Peter

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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