[FWTools] Re: raster_format

Mark Amend Mark.Amend at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 14 13:05:23 EST 2007


Not sure if GDAL has the means to grid this type of data into raster 
form.  It looks like an irregularly spaced data set to me.

I'd recommend you make an attempt at installing GMT (via cygwin, macosx, 
or linux) and use that for processing this type of file.  If you aren't 
familiar with installing software on *nix it might be a pain, but it's 
worth having GMT in your kit alongside fwtools.  Several of GMT's 
programs work specifically for this style of ASCII data, and there's a 
mature user community to boot.  While GMT's native grid format is 
netCDF, there are ways to get it into an ESRI grid.


Good luck,

fwtools-request at lists.maptools.org wrote:

> Today's Topics:
>    1. raster_format (Travis Kirstine)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:40:13 -0400
> From: "Travis Kirstine" <traviskirstine at gmail.com>
> Subject: [FWTools] raster_format
> To: fwtools <fwtools at lists.maptools.org>
> Message-ID:
> 	<681116190703131740s2e8e05afg92a12c6ce85da696 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> I have been givin a lidar dataset and hoping I could translate it to a
> raster it with gdal, however there was no extension provided with the
> file.  The file seems to be a txt file with xyz values e.g.
> 283122.50 5039995.42 26.41
> 283123.70 5039996.25 26.25
> 283123.98 5039996.80 26.28
> 283125.52 5039996.01 26.44
> 283125.65 5039993.80 26.38
> 283126.78 5039999.64 26.39
> 283127.02 5039997.95 26.31
> Any thoughts

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