[FWTools] PROJ.dll 4.4.6 vs. 4.5.0

Martin Fix Martin.Fix at ptv.de
Thu Sep 27 07:26:39 EDT 2007


does anyone have a quick idea why using GDAL 1.4.2 and proj-4.5.0 gives different result on coordinate transformations as GDAL 1.4.2 with proj-4.4.6?

We're facing the problem that the newer release of the proj.dll does result in different (wrong) results on the coordinate transformation but we're not sure what causes this.

In principle we're using WKT-files (based on ESRI) for the coordinate systems.

We start with

wgs84 / latlong


and go to sphere mercator


using a point with 8.403300/48.999240 the result should be 934404.3271/6267711.1464 but it isn't. The x-coordinate is correct but y is different.

Any help/ideas are appreciated.

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