[FWTools] memory leaking in AMD ??

Edwin Husni Sutanudjaja edwinkost at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 20:26:40 UTC 2008

Dear Frank and all,

Thanks a lot for your help related my previous question.

If you don't mind, I have another question.
I need to repeat running "cs2cs" for several times (about 1440 * 1560 
times = 2246400 times).
For this reason, I typed a Phyton code (please see the attachement).
At the first time, I run this python code in my new PC (AMD Athlon Dual 
Core 5200B 2.69 GHz, 1.75 GB of RAM, Windows XP). However the 
calculation stopped in the step i = 8754, and I cannot run "cs2cs" 
anymore (and other program as well) before restarting my computer.

However, if I try this python script in my old PC (Pentium 4 3.06 Ghz, 
520 MB RAM), it seems everything is OK. Until this moment (i = 50000) 
the calculation is still OK. (The calculation is still currently running).

For additional information, similar things also sometimes happen if I 
use GDAL. The computer performance is more stabile in my old PC.

Could you give me any clues? Why? What are the reasons of the problem in 
my new PC?

Many thanks in advance. Kind Regards,

Edwin Husni Sutanudjaja
Note: I also realize that my python code is not so efficient. Sorry 
about this, since I am still a begineer in Python.

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