[FWTools] Lat/Lon coordinates from NTIF?

Cook, Eric S. escook at mitre.org
Tue Sep 2 17:11:32 EDT 2008

Hi all, newbie here..  


I've just started using GDAL and would like to get geospatial reference
corner points in degrees latitude and degrees longitude values of my
NITF image.  I'm using C# and the example code snippets are useful but
are a bit confusing to me.  My first pass attempt to get corner points
from the dataset was to use the dataset.GetGeoTransform() values and
then put them into the following formulas:

       double Xgeo = geoTransform[0] + Xpixel * geoTransform[1] + Yline
* geoTransform[2];

       double Ygeo = geoTransform[3] + Xpixel * geoTransform[4] + Yline
* geoTransform[5];

But this resulted in values that looked more like meters or something.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?  Thanks.


Eric Cook
The Mitre Corporation
( 781-271-7154
* escook at mitre.org <mailto:escook at mitre.org> 

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