[FWTools] Writing to TAB files with OGR2OGR

Donald.Hine at dpiw.tas.gov.au Donald.Hine at dpiw.tas.gov.au
Tue Sep 9 01:31:47 EDT 2008

Hi all
Im having trouble getting OGR2OGR to convert  between shp and tab files 
using the correct projection. Im converting a number of shp files from one 
directory into a second directory as TAB files. The source native 
projection information is ignored (GDA94) and even specifying a target 
projection as EPSG:28355 , using a WKT file or explicitly writing the proj 
information doesnt seem to work,. It defaults to WGS84 southern hemisphere 
The correct EPSG  information is present in the Proj directory. Im using 
FW tools 2.2.1
Ive tried not using any projection params, using -asrs and -tsrs both with 
epsg numbers, WKT and a WKT file with the same result

This is the basic cmd line, showing the last attempt at making the srs 
plain to see.

C:\Program Files\FWTools2.2.1>ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" -a_srs "+proj=utm 
+zone=55 +south +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,
0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" "D:\FWTOOLSTESTS\IrrigationAreasTAB" 

files are created in the correct directory everything between "MapInfo 
File" and E:\ is where im putting the SRS information.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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