[FWTools] FW Tools

Chris Kirschberg taurec at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 10 11:31:17 EST 2009


thank you all for answering my first mail!

But my problem is not the installation of FWTools. The problem is, how to use the "FWTools Shell" at Windows.

The Shell-Tool is designed for Linux. If you work with the FWTool there, you write commands like " > tar - xzvf FWTools-linux-1.4.2.tar.gz " and " > PATH = $PATH:/demo/FWTools-linux-1.4.2/bin_safe
         > export PATH "

or something like that first.

Than you can execute commands like " > ogrinfo data " and so on.

How do I have to use the Shell-Tool at Windows (look at the screenshot into this mail)?

Thank you again for your help! :-)

Greetings from Germany,


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