[FWTools] Problem with GeoTIFF created by gdal_translate

Roger André randre at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 15:28:30 EST 2009

Hi David,

I believe the problem is probably with GeoServer, and not with gdal.  I
think I recall getting this error in the past when I tried to register a
GeoTIFF as a coverage in GeoServer, and that it was because I lacked a
sidecar .tfw worldfile for my image.  You can create one as part of the
gdal_translate command by adding the following creation option, [ -co

If that doesn't work, I would test that the GeoTIFF works correctly in
another GIS application, and if so, would then direct the question regarding
the error to the GeoServer mailing list.

Best of luck,


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:15 PM, David R Robison <
drrobison at openroadsconsulting.com> wrote:

> I have a large MrSID that I am trying to work with. I am using
> gdal_translate to split it into smaller files and convert them to GeoTIFF.
> The command I am using is:
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -srcwin 0 0 1000 1000 -co "TILED=YES" in.sid
> out.tif
> However, when I try to add it to geoserver I get the following error:
> org.geotools.data.DataSourceException: GEOTIFF Module Error Report
> Unknown Raster to Model configuration.
> ModelPixelScaleTag: NOT AVAILABLE
> ModelTiePointTag: NOT AVAILABLE
> ModelTransformationTag: NOT AVAILABLE
> GeoKey #1: Key = 1, Value = null
> GeoKey #2: Key = 1024, Value = 1
> GeoKey #3: Key = 1025, Value = 1
> GeoKey #4: Key = 1026, Value = VDOT Project Coordinate System
> GeoKey #5: Key = 2048, Value = 4269
> GeoKey #6: Key = 2049, Value = GCS_North_American_1983
> GeoKey #7: Key = 2054, Value = 9102
> GeoKey #8: Key = 2057, Value = 6378137.0
> GeoKey #9: Key = 2059, Value = 298.257222101
> GeoKey #10: Key = 3072, Value = 32767
> GeoKey #11: Key = 3074, Value = 32767
> GeoKey #12: Key = 3075, Value = 8
> GeoKey #13: Key = 3076, Value = 9003
> GeoKey #14: Key = 3078, Value = 38.03333333333333
> GeoKey #15: Key = 3079, Value = 39.2
> GeoKey #16: Key = 3084, Value = -78.5
> GeoKey #17: Key = 3085, Value = 37.6666666666
> GeoKey #18: Key = 3086, Value = 1000059.9999989839
>    at org.geotools.gce.geotiff.GeoTiffReader.<init>(GeoTiffReader.java:259)
>    at
> org.geotools.gce.geotiff.GeoTiffFormat.getReader(GeoTiffFormat.java:261)
>    at
> org.geotools.gce.geotiff.GeoTiffFormat.getReader(GeoTiffFormat.java:222)
> Any idea what I am doing wrong? I am new to GIS imagery.
> Thanks, David
> --
> David R Robison
> Open Roads Consulting, Inc.
> 103 Watson Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320
> phone: (757) 546-3401
> e-mail: drrobison at openroadsconsulting.com
> web: http://openroadsconsulting.com
> blog: http://therobe.blogspot.com
> book: http://www.xulonpress.com/book_detail.php?id=2579
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