[FWTools] ogr2ogr newbie question, MapInfo to SQLite conversion

Per Åkesson Per.Akesson at carmenta.com
Thu Feb 5 08:06:37 EST 2009

As subject says, bare with a newbie question:

I'm trying to convert a Mapinfo .TAB table to SQLite.
I'm issuing the folwing command:

ogr2ogr  -f "SQLite" test.SQLite mapinfotable.TAB

but when inspecting the generated test.SQLite file in SQLite,

 	select * from GEOMETRY_COLUMNS;

I get no geografic data. (Other attributes seemes to be there)

Am I missing some command line switch ?

All relevant MapInfo files exists (.MAP, .IND, .ID, .DAT)

Thanks in advance

Per Åkesson
Carmenta AB

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