[FWTools] Problem with ogrinfo and Vector Map.

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Mon Feb 23 16:21:17 EST 2009

Michał Krzywda wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new with the ogr, and I have following problem with FW tools
> /home/mkrzywda/FWTools-2.0.6/bin_safe/v0eur_5/vmaplv0/ is certainly
> directory containing eurnasia and lat, dht files.
> The same thing with modified $PATH...
> Shell message:
> mkrzywda at pozyton:~/FWTools-2.0.6/bin_safe> ./ogrinfo
> gltp:/vrf/home/mkrzywda/FWTools-2.0.6/bin_safe/v0eur_5/vmaplv0/eurnasia/


I have tested FWTools 2.0.4 for linux with a north american dataset using:

ogrinfo gltp:/vrf/usr3/data/mpp1/v0noa/vmaplv0/noamer

and it worked ok.

That directory looks like:

warmerda at gdal64[121]% ls
bnd   dq    dqx   grt    ind   libref       pop      util
cat   dqt   dqx.  grt.   lht   lineage.doc  tileref  veg
cat.  dqt.  elev  hydro  lht.  phys         trans

The OGDI VRF driver can be quite sensitive to files being upper case
or lower case and with regard to whether they have trailing periods.
I see the "cat" and similar files are actually links to the version with the
trailing . since the driver doesn't recognise "cat.".   So I think you want
something like the above without the files ending in a dot.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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