[FWTools] gdal_fillnodata.py

Bryan Keith bryan at ideotrope.org
Wed Jul 22 09:02:12 EST 2009

> I am using FWTools2.4.2 Windows XP 64bit and am trying to use
> gdal_fillnodata
> and I receive this message:
> gdal.FillNodata() not available.  You are likely using "old gen"
> bindings or an older version of the next gen bindings.
> Is this a supported utility or currently under development? I've also
> tried
> using OSGeo4w with no luck. Any help is appreciated


I used gdal_fillnodata a few months ago.  It's in the gdal-dev branch of
OSGeo4w.  Once I set the path in the OSGeo4w shell, I was able to use

set path=c:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal-dev\bin;%path%

Hope that helps.


> Matthew
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