[FWTools] help converting format

Benoît Andrieu bea at ixsea.com
Fri Feb 12 07:04:12 EST 2010

I don't know about binary formats but you should find what you want here 
: http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html

You can use a bat file to convert all files from a folder :

    mkdir converted
    FOR %%g in (*.tif) do gdal_translate -of JPEG "%%nxg"

Benoît Andrieu

Le 12/02/2010 11:00, Carlos Padovani a écrit :
> Dear users of FWTools,
> I need to convert a lot of images form TIFF format to binary format.
> It is possible to do it in FWTools, but I do not know which is the 
> format available in the software that correspond to binary format. 
> Another thing is that in FWTools I can convert the images one by one, 
> and as I have a lot of images to convert, I would like a way to 
> convert a lot of images at once. I use Windows WP as operacional system.
> Could someone help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Carlos
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