[FWTools] help converting format
Benoît Andrieu
bea at ixsea.com
Sat Feb 13 11:37:35 EST 2010
Hi Carlos,
The GENBIN driver does not support file creation.
You have to use the EHdr driver. I think their binary format are equivalent.
gdal_translate -of EHdr image1.tif image1.bing
It will produce one file image1.bing and one file image1.hdr
To convert all the tif files in one directory :
FOR %g in (*.tif) DO gdal_translate -of EHdr "%~nxg"
Good luck.
Best regards,
Benoît Andrieu
Le 12/02/2010 22:39, Carlos Padovani a écrit :
> Please, forgot the two previous emails.
> I got it works for convert binary to tif with this command lines:
> gdal_translate -of GTiff image1 image1.tif
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -ot Byte -scale 0 10000 0 255 image1
> image1_8bit.tif
> But actually, I need to convert images from binary format to tif
> format. As I says in the first email.
> I sent the binary file for you to see how it looks like, and how it
> need to be converted from tif.
> Please, could you help me for the conversion of the tif files to
> binary files?
> I try to make it based in the command lines above, using now that
> tif file I sent to you some emails ago and changing the transformation
> like bellow:
> gdal_translate -of GENBIN image1.tif image1
> but I got a message error that I sent attached "error_GENBIN".
> So, how could I convert tif to binary file?
> I am sending the header file of the tif file I sent to you before with
> the same name I used for the binary file I sent before, as well "image1".
> Thanks for your help.
> Carlos
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 7:09 PM, Carlos Padovani
> <carlos.padovani at gmail.com <mailto:carlos.padovani at gmail.com>> wrote:
> I am sending the image file with the reader file. Maybe something
> wrong with it?
> Carlos
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Carlos Padovani
> <carlos.padovani at gmail.com <mailto:carlos.padovani at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks!
> I did the reader file and applied the command line bellow in
> the FWTools Shell, but it does not works.
> I am sending a figure with the error. Could you help me on this?
> Carlos
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Benoît Andrieu <bea at ixsea.com
> <mailto:bea at ixsea.com>> wrote:
> I managed to convert your image to tif.
> You have to create a .hdr file next to your image in order
> to tell gdal utilities the format of your file :
> ncols 600
> nrows 600
> cellsize 0.050401
> xllcorner -130.128639
> yllcorner 20.166799
> nodata_value 9999.000000
> nbits 16
> pixeltype UNSIGNEDINT
> byteorder lsbfirst
> Then just call gdal_translate to convert your file :
> gdal_translate -of GTiff image1.bing image1.tif
> This tif will be in 16bit.
> To have it in 8bit :
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -ot Byte -scale 0 10000 0 255
> image1.bing image1_8bit.tif
> I hope all your files have the same width and height.
> Note that cellsize, xllcorner and yllcorner will be used
> to set the geographic coordinates of your tif.
> Le 12/02/2010 18:32, Benoît Andrieu a écrit :
>> Do not replace yourself the n and x. It is automatically
>> done by the command line interpretor.
>> FOR %g in (*.bing) DO gdal_translate -of JPEG "%~nxg"
>> "%~ng.jpg"
>> Le 12/02/2010 18:22, Carlos Padovani a écrit :
>>> I am working inside the images directory to make it simple.
>>> I tried the follow:
>>> FOR %g in (*.bing) DO gdal_translate -of JPEG
>>> "%~imagem1.tifg" "%~imagem1g.jpg"
>>> But it does not work as well.
>>> Carlos
>>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Benoît Andrieu
>>> <bea at ixsea.com <mailto:bea at ixsea.com>> wrote:
>>> Oups, sorry, I made some mistakes...
>>> So, first mistake, if you are using a command line
>>> you should only have one % and not two %%. On the
>>> contrary, if you are using a bat file, you should
>>> have two %%.
>>> Next, I forgot a ~ in the DO syntax it should be
>>> %%~nxg and %%~ng.
>>> So, from the command line, the correct syntax is :
>>> FOR %g in (C:\conversion_tif_bin\*.bing) DO
>>> gdal_translate -of JPEG
>>> "C:\conversion_tif_bin\%~nxg"
>>> "C:\conversion_tif_bin\%~ng.jpg"
>>> I haven't looked at your image at the moment...
>>> Regards,
>>> Benoît Andrieu
>>> Le 12/02/2010 16:18, Carlos Padovani a écrit :
>>>> Dear Benoît,
>>>> I am doing some thing wrong, but I do not know what.
>>>> I am sending a figure "path" with the path and
>>>> another figure "FWTools_Shell_error" with the error
>>>> message of the FWTools Shell. The message of error
>>>> is "%%g foi inesperado neste momento", it is in
>>>> Portuguese and means something like "%%g was
>>>> unexpected at the moment". You can see in the
>>>> figure "FWTools_Shell_error" how I typed the path
>>>> and other data necessary. I would like more help on
>>>> this if possible.
>>>> Sorry but I sent the wrong image. I am sending the
>>>> right one now "image1" with the data you required.
>>>> No. of columns: 600
>>>> No. of rows: 600
>>>> No. of bands: 1 (gray)
>>>> Data type: Binary 16-bit integer
>>>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Benoît Andrieu
>>>> <bea at ixsea.com <mailto:bea at ixsea.com>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Carlos,
>>>> Yes, you should open a FWTools shell or set the
>>>> FWTools path in your PATH environment variable.
>>>> And yes, the command line should be executed in
>>>> the directory where your images are but you can
>>>> easily customize his behaviour :
>>>> mkdir __your_path__\converted
>>>> FOR %%g in (__your_path__\*.tif) do
>>>> gdal_translate -of JPEG
>>>> "__your_path__\%%nxg"
>>>> "__your_path__\converted\%%ng.jpg"
>>>> The first line will create a new folder in your
>>>> folder.
>>>> FOR %%g in (__your_path__*.tif) ===> This
>>>> will select all the files in your directory and
>>>> iterate with the %%g variable
>>>> "%%nxg" ===> n =
>>>> name of the file without its extension, x =
>>>> extension of the file, g = the name of the variable
>>>> "%%ng.jpg" ===> This
>>>> will change the extension of the file
>>>> Regarding the binary format, could you tell me
>>>> more about the file you sent ?
>>>> I would need its width, height, number of bands
>>>> (gray, RGB, ARGB ?) and the data type of each
>>>> pixel (Byte, Int16, Float32 ?).
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> I would use the GenBin format too but
>>>> unfortunately, GDAL is only able to read them...
>>>> *_To the list :_*
>>>> You can find the file sent by Carlos at this
>>>> address
>>>> http://benoit.andrieu.free.fr/00046agua.zip
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Benoît Andrieu
>>>> Le 12/02/2010 13:06, Carlos Padovani a écrit :
>>>>> Dear Benoît,
>>>>> thanks very much for your fast response.
>>>>> I am not familiar with command line
>>>>> procedures, so could you explain in more
>>>>> details what should I do for to convert the
>>>>> tif images to other format?
>>>>> I will use this command line in the FWTools
>>>>> Shell? I need to wrote this command line in a
>>>>> directory where the images are?
>>>>> I took a look in the
>>>>> http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html and I
>>>>> guess that the binary files I need to convert
>>>>> from tif are the Generic Binary (GenBin).
>>>>> I am sending an image file for you to take a
>>>>> look if you agree and maybe help me to
>>>>> identify if it is the same Generic Binary of
>>>>> gdal format list.
>>>>> Thanks once more.
>>>>> Carlos
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Benoît
>>>>> Andrieu <bea at ixsea.com <mailto:bea at ixsea.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I don't know about binary formats but you
>>>>> should find what you want here :
>>>>> http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html
>>>>> You can use a bat file to convert all
>>>>> files from a folder :
>>>>> mkdir converted
>>>>> FOR %%g in (*.tif) do gdal_translate
>>>>> -of JPEG "%%nxg" "converted\%%ng.jpg"
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Benoît Andrieu
>>>>> Le 12/02/2010 11:00, Carlos Padovani a
>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>> Dear users of FWTools,
>>>>>> I need to convert a lot of images form
>>>>>> TIFF format to binary format.
>>>>>> It is possible to do it in FWTools, but I
>>>>>> do not know which is the format available
>>>>>> in the software that correspond to binary
>>>>>> format. Another thing is that in FWTools
>>>>>> I can convert the images one by one, and
>>>>>> as I have a lot of images to convert, I
>>>>>> would like a way to convert a lot of
>>>>>> images at once. I use Windows WP as
>>>>>> operacional system.
>>>>>> Could someone help me?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>> Carlos
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Carlos Padovani
>>>>> Pesquisador
>>>>> Embrapa Pantanal
>>>>> www.cpap.embrapa.br <http://www.cpap.embrapa.br/>
>>>>> SKYPE: carlos.padovani
>>>>> MSN:crpadovani at hotmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:MSN%3Acrpadovani at hotmail.com>
>>>> --
>>>> Carlos Padovani
>>>> Pesquisador
>>>> Embrapa Pantanal
>>>> www.cpap.embrapa.br <http://www.cpap.embrapa.br/>
>>>> SKYPE: carlos.padovani
>>>> MSN:crpadovani at hotmail.com
>>>> <mailto:MSN%3Acrpadovani at hotmail.com>
>>> --
>>> Carlos Padovani
>>> Pesquisador
>>> Embrapa Pantanal
>>> www.cpap.embrapa.br <http://www.cpap.embrapa.br/>
>>> SKYPE: carlos.padovani
>>> MSN:crpadovani at hotmail.com
>>> <mailto:MSN%3Acrpadovani at hotmail.com>
> --
> Carlos Padovani
> Pesquisador
> Embrapa Pantanal
> www.cpap.embrapa.br <http://www.cpap.embrapa.br/>
> SKYPE: carlos.padovani
> MSN:crpadovani at hotmail.com <mailto:MSN%3Acrpadovani at hotmail.com>
> --
> Carlos Padovani
> Pesquisador
> Embrapa Pantanal
> www.cpap.embrapa.br <http://www.cpap.embrapa.br/>
> SKYPE: carlos.padovani
> MSN:crpadovani at hotmail.com <mailto:MSN%3Acrpadovani at hotmail.com>
> --
> Carlos Padovani
> Pesquisador
> Embrapa Pantanal
> www.cpap.embrapa.br <http://www.cpap.embrapa.br>
> SKYPE: carlos.padovani
> MSN:crpadovani at hotmail.com <mailto:MSN%3Acrpadovani at hotmail.com>
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