[FWTools] Big NTv2-Grid-File causes problem

Ernst Meier ernst_meier at gmx.de
Wed Feb 24 16:42:19 EST 2010


and what's the meaning of %6d?

I use two different Grids. One small for the whole country with low accurancy but even better results (10-20cm) and that big one that should have an better accurancy with an offset off 150m.

The parameters of both calls are the same. I only change the parameter +nadgrids.

The author of the gridfile has tested it within FME and ArcGIS with the expected accurancy (3mm).

Any ideas?

Best regards

> Ernst,
> OK, well there can be many reasons for a coordinate transforming
> differently
> than expected.  I looked at the header reading code, and the gs_count is
> stored in the NTv2 header as a 4 byte binary integer, so there should be
> no issues until it gets to 2^31.
> Best regards,

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