[FWTools] Big NTv2-Grid-File causes problem
ernst_meier at gmx.de
ernst_meier at gmx.de
Thu Feb 25 02:33:56 EST 2010
the results with @null and the big grid-file are exactly the same!
Therefore i think that the big file isn't read correct. The datum shift is
missing totaly. But the grid-file shall work in other software.
Here are the messages reported by PROJ_DEBUG:
pj_open_lib(./rbk.gsb): call fopen(./rbk.gsb) - succeeded
NTv2 LOKAL 1780x1346: LL=(6.93694444,50.8338889) UR=(7.43111111,51.2075)
NTv2 - loading grid LOKAL
pj_open_lib(./rbk.gsb): call fopen(./rbk.gsb) - succeeded
The bounding box is ok. I can't see any problems.
I want to transform Gauß-Krüger to ETRS89/UTM and use these parameters:
cs2cs -v -f "%.3f" +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1.000000 +x_0=250000
0 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +units=m +nadgrids=./rbk.gsb +to +proj=utm
+ellps=GRS80 +
datum=WGS84 +zone=32
If i change the grid-file to the small one it works. So i think the
parameters are ok.
Everything seems to be ok - but the results are very bad! It's enough to
drive one to despair.
Best regards.
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