[FWTools] Creating MapInfo IND files and Postgres primary key questions

tim mortimer timortimer at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 27 07:06:54 EST 2010

When I create a MapInfo table from Postgres using ogr2ogr it doesn't create
an IND file, even when the Postgres table has an index on it. I understand
that the MapInfo IND file is optional, but is there a reason ogr2ogr doesn't
create it?

Secondly, if in my command I use the -select statement to choose the output
columns required and their sequence this will fail if there is a Postgres
primary key assigned to any of the selected columns. It gives an error
saying that the column can't be found. If I remove the key from the column
then it works fine?

I can't find anything in the documentation about either of these.

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