[FWTools] proj.dll error with python script

Gregory Yetman gyetman at ciesin.columbia.edu
Fri Mar 12 15:58:39 EST 2010


I've realized that this error was due to a .dll conflict. There was an 
existing proj.dll file (and a libexpat.dll) in system32 that was being 
used instead of the installed version. I backed them up and replaced 
them with the ones installed with FWTools and everything works fine. 
However, I suspect that these are used by another software package 
(ArcGIS? uDig?) and replacing them may not be a good idea.

Anyone know how to point FWTools to the proper dll files while leaving 
the others untouched?



> Hi,
> I'm trying to run a python script that uses GDAL from within the FWTools 
> shell. The script works on another windows machine here but not mine, 
> instead I get the error:
> "The ordinal 32 could not be located in the dynamic link library proj.dll"
> in a window. I presume that this is a bad environment setting. Any 
> suggestions where I should look?
> I'm running FWTools 2.4.7 on Windows XP Pro.
> Thanks,
> Greg

Greg Yetman
CIESIN, Columbia University
gyetman at ciesin.columbia.edu

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