[FWTools] using a custom coordinate system within gdalwarp

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Tue Nov 16 15:48:18 EST 2010


I am trying to convert a mrsid file to a geotiff using gdalwarp.  The to
projection is in county coordinates, so it does not have an EPSG code.  How
can I use a ESRI.prj file with gdalwarp?

gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:26914 -t_srs "my ESRI Projection" -r cubic ortho_1-
1_1n_s_mn117_2010_1.sid FSA2010.GTiff


If it works better I have the projection information from Mapserver

	Projection  #Pipestone County Coordinates
   	END #projection


Mark Volz
GIS Specialist
Lyon County, MN

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