[FWTools] gdal2tiles: quality of image

Pete Flugstad pete.flugstad at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 14:56:04 EST 2010

So, I finally got gdal2tiles working (via OSgeo4W) - sort of.

I'm using it to tile a fairly large (128MB - 15000x10000 pixel) geotiff.

Previously, I sliced up the original geotiff into 1kx1k images using
Those images are nice and clear, just like the original.

With the tiles from gdal2tiles however, the images are fairly blurry.
I expect this when
zoomed out, but I'm seeing it even when I'm zoomed all the way in.

I've tried using different resampling algorithms (which is the best
algorithm BTW?)
and different zoom levels, but nothing seems to significantly improve
the quality.

Is there a way to get gdal2tiles to take the original image data and
just use that directly?
I.e. split up the image into 256x256 pixel tiles (like I did to get
1kx1k) and use that for the
highest zoom level.  Then generate the lower zoom levels using the
standard resampling


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