[FWTools] Unable to execute GDALWARP.exe on 64 bit Linux through java.lang.Process

Trupti Pol ktrup7 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 01:27:39 EST 2011


We have a simple java application which calls gdalwarp.exe from java
Following is the command array which we pass while calling process.start();

commands : [/home/3D/FWTools-2.0.6/bin/gdalwarp, --config, GDAL_CACHEMAX,
1024, -wm, 1024, --debug, OFF, -q, -wt, Int16, -ot, Int16, -srcnodata,
-32768, -dstnodata, -9999, -of, GTiff, -r, cubic, -te, 73.998046875,
33.998046875, 75.001953125, 35.001953125, -ts, 512, 512,

We are handling the o/p and err streams as required.

Now the issue is this works absolutely fine when running on windows..
but fails on "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)" with an
exit code of "127". :,(

another fact is if we call a shell script as
"/home/3D/FWTools-2.0.6/bin/gdalwarp $*" then it works fine.
command array in this case is

[sh, /home/3D/FWTools-2.0.6/bin/gdalwarpExecutor.sh, --config,
GDAL_CACHEMAX, 1024, -wm, 1024, --debug, OFF, -q, -wt, Int16, -ot, Int16,
-srcnodata, -32768, -dstnodata, -9999, -of, GTiff, -r, cubic, -te,
73.998046875, 33.998046875, 75.001953125, 35.001953125, -ts, 512, 512,

Your help would be much appreciated. 
Thanks in advance


Thanks & Regards,
Trupti Pol
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