[FWTools] pj_init_plus allocation question

Mikhail Tchernychev misha at mail.geometrics.com
Mon Feb 28 16:26:59 EST 2011

  Hello List,

It's just appeared to me that pj_allocation_plus does not allocate new
memory each time it is called. Depending on the projection parameters, 
it returns already
allocated structure from the previous call.

It means that there should not be matching pj_free call for each 

Is it correct?

What is if two +proj=latlong projections with different parameters are 
used in the program?
Would proj_init_plus return the same pointer for both of them?

Shall I keep track of all pj_free_calls myself (and possibly reference 
count) to clean up?

Unfortunately I could not search proj mail list - it appeared there is 
no option to search.

Thank you very much,

Best Regards

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