[FWTools] Issues with gdal_rasterize

Chetan Tiwari chetan.tiwari at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 13:40:13 EST 2012

Hi All,

I just noted that the version of gdal_rasterize packaged with FWTools 2.4.7
does not support raster creation. Please ignore my previous email.



On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 5:55 PM, Chetan Tiwari <chetan.tiwari at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear List Members,
> I was having trouble executing gdal_rasterize and was hoping to get some
> advice from other members of the list. I've spent the better part of the
> afternoon trying to figure this out, but have been unsuccessful. Here are
> the details:
> I am trying to convert a polygon shapefile to a raster. The shapefile
> was originally a table in PostGIS that was converted to a shapefile using
> ogr2ogr. I am able to successfully load the shapefile in QGIS and I am also
> able to convert this shapefile to a raster layer using the GDAL tools menu.
> However, I have several such files (and several other preceding steps), so
> I've written a simple script that executes the appropriate command
> (gdal_rasterize) with the required parameters on the command line. I
> constructed the command line version of this conversion process using
> information from QGIS. My command for this operation is as follows:
> F:\>"c:\Program Files (x86)\FWTools2.4.7\bin\gdal_rasterize.exe" -a count
> -l cty_u_d -ts 3000 3000 "f:\temp\cty_u_d.shp" "f:\temp\raster.tif"
>  where count is an integer attribute in the shapefile called cty_u_d.
> When I run this command, all I get is the usage information. No files are
> created. Please note that I am able to successfully convert the same file
> into a raster using QGIS (and on the same machine running Windows 7, QGIS
> 1.8.1, and FWTools 2.4.7). Any help or suggestions would be
> most appreciated.
> Thanks and regards,
> Chetan

Chetan Tiwari, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Geography
1155 Union Circle #305279
Denton, TX 76203-5017
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