[FWTools] converting mr sid in UTM to GeoTiff in County Coordinates
Mark Volz
MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Fri Aug 29 08:54:53 EST 2014
Richard and others,
I think I am close to projecting using gdal, but I am having issues with the to srs parameter. I first tried to supply to srs code, which I thought should work because the code 103749 is defined in c:\ms4w\proj\nad\epsg, and works in my mapserver applications. Next, I tried to supply the Proj.4 definition. That did not work either. In both cases I received the following error: Option -t_srs incomplete, or not recognised. Please let me know if there is a type-o in the following commands.
gdal_translate -a_srs epsg:26915 -t_srs espg:103749 -CO TILED=YES -CO PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -CO TFW=YES -CO COMPRESS=JPEG -CO BIGTIFF=YES ortho_1-1_1n_s_mn081_2013_1.sid lin13.tif
gdal_translate -a_srs epsg:26915 -t_srs "+proj=lcc +lat_1=44.25 +lat_2=44.58333333333334 +lat_0=44.19555555555555 +lon_0=-95.85000000000001 +x_0=152400.3048006096 +y_0=30480.06096012192 +a=6378559.758 + b=6357173.65471281 +units=ft +no_defs" -CO TILED=YES -CO PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -CO TFW=YES -CO COMPRESS=JPEG -CO BIGTIFF=YES ortho_1-1_1n_s_mn081_2013_1.sid lin13.tif
p.s. I noticed that “recognised” is either misspelled or possibly another English variant of the “recognized”
Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator
504 Fairgrounds Rd<https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=504%20Fairgrounds%20Rd,%20Marshall,%20MN%2056258?z=6>
Marshall, MN 56258<https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=504%20Fairgrounds%20Rd,%20Marshall,%20MN%2056258?z=6>
Ph: (507) 532-8218
Fax: (507) 532-8217
From: Richard Greenwood [mailto:richard.greenwood at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 10:05 PM
To: Mark Volz
Cc: fwtools at lists.maptools.org
Subject: Re: [FWTools] converting mr sid in UTM to GeoTiff in County Coordinates
From what you show, I don't see that gdal_translate is preforming any coordinate system transformation. However, the world file doesn't specify the coordinate system so I would suggest using -a_srs and -t_srs which will specify the source and (optionally) the target coordinate systems. For example:
gdal_translate -a_srs epsg:26915 -t_srs epsg:<your code> ...
would transform from UTM Zone 15 to your coord system.
You could also see if you have MrSID support installed in your GDAL setup with:
gdal_translate --formats
which would allow you to skip the ArcGIS export step and maybe some confusion.
There is a "nearblack" command line tool in the GDAL suite that can help with removing the black pixels around the image but I haven't found it too useful. There are a few other options, but I'd suggest you work thru your coordinate system issues before dealing with the black pixels.
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Mark Volz <MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us<mailto:MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us>> wrote:
I would like to know how to use gdal to convert a Mr Sid air photo in UTM 15 to a GeoTiff in County Coordinates (feet).
My original steps include
• Use ArcGIS to export the MrSID in UTM to a GeoTiff in County Coordinates (feet).
o This takes care of converting the coordinate system, however at about 4GB, the file size is awfully huge.
• Use gdal_translate to tile the image. This also seems to make the file size much more reasonable… about 280 MB.
• Use gdaladdo to add internal JPEG overviews. This adds a small amount of data to the file, but it also makes it MUCH quicker.
Unfortunately, these steps are NOT working. It appears the coordinates are getting shifted from feet back to meters. I think it may be possible that gdal_translate is not reading or ignoring the .tfw file created by ESRI. Therefore I need to either figure out how to force gdal_translate to read the ESRI world file, or I need to figure out how to figure out how to use only GDAL to create a GeoTiff in County Coordinates from a Mr Sid file in UTM.
If anyone has any tips on how I can use GDAL to convert an air photo in a Mr SID UTM file to a GeoTiff in County Coordinates let me know. In addition, I would like to also figure out how to remove the black boundary around the edge of the air photos as well.
Mark Volz
FWTools mailing list
FWTools at lists.maptools.org<mailto:FWTools at lists.maptools.org>
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
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