I am attempting to set input and output SRSs and transform the data when necessary. I am stuck on a small part of it. <br><br>I am trying to set the input SRS and then convert it to WKT so I can create a .prj file. I am getting an error on the ExportToWkt method.
<br><br>Here is a small script that I whipped up to demonstrate it:<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">import ogr, osr, sys, os<br><br>srs_in = osr.SpatialReference()<br><br>proj_in = srs_in.ImportFromEPSG(4326)<br><br>
wkt_proj = proj_in.ExportToWkt()<br><br>print wkt_proj<br><br></div>The error is:<br><br>d:\datascripts>python test_srs.py<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "test_srs.py", line 7, in ?<br> wkt_proj = proj_in.ExportToWkt()
<br>AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute'ExportToWkt'<br><br>Any help would be appreciated! <br><br>David.<br>