Dear Sir/Madam,
<p>I am new to this topic but I receive a task to handle S57 files.<br>I have a S57 files (*.000) and I can view it by SeeMyDEnc.<br>I use the following command to convert it into .csv files:<br> ogr2ogr -f "CSV" S57-CSV
C24VTC41.000<br>The process is successed with some warning messages. Then a series of .csv files are generated in the folder "S57-Test". After that I would like to revert the process and convert those .csv files into a single S57 file by the following command:
<br> ogr2ogr -skipfailures -append -f "S57" S57test.000 S57-CSV<br>The process finished with the following error message:<br> Layer DSID not found, and CreateLayer not supported by driver.<br>The generated S57 file is smaller than the original S57 file and I fail to use SeeMyDEnc to view it (a blank page is opened without any errors).
<p>Did I do something wrong? Is it the limitation of ogr2ogr utility? Thanks in advance.</p>
<div>Best regards,</div><span class="sg">