<div dir="ltr">Hi, I am trying to georeference and reproject an FAA Enroute IFR chart. You can find the pdf version of this chart at <a href="goog_1223485636161" target="_blank">http://www.jamestrimble.info/US</a><a href="http://www.jamestrimble.info/US%20L32%2031%20JUL%2008.pdf"> L32 31 JUL 08.pdf</a> <br>
<br>The parameters are <br>L-32 1:14NM (1020787)<br>GP 47 56 09.6N 063 04 30.3W (Upper Right)<br>GP 46 02 46.4N 079 29 47.0W (Upper Left)<br>GP 41 48 34.9N 078 00 33.5W (Lower Left)<br>GP 43 35 36.2N 062 37 08.3W (Lower Right)<br>
<br>Top Standard Parallel 45 00 00N<br>Bottom Standard Parallel 33 00 00N<br>Central Meridian 95 00 00W<br>Origin 39 00 00N 95 00 00W<br><br>Datum = North American Datum of 1983<br><br>Ultimately, I'd like to have this map in a mercator projection to overlay with google maps.<br>
<br>The commands I tried to use are :<br><br>gdal_translate -a_srs
"+proj=lcc +lat_1=45.0 +lat_2=33.0 +lat_0=39.0 +lon_0=95.0
+datum=NAD83" -a_ullr -79.4964 46.0462 -62.6190 43.5934 -of GTiff -co
"INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" "C:\Documents and Settings\James\Desktop\US L32 31
JUL 08_CROPPED.png" .\USL32.tiff<br>
<br>gdalwarp -of GTiff -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -s_srs "+proj=lcc
+lat_1=45.0 +lat_2=33.0 +lat_0=39.0 +lon_0=95.0 +datum=NAD83" -t_srs
"+proj=merc +datum=NAD83" .\USL32.tiff .\USL32_MERC.tiff<br>
<br>I would really appreciate some help on how to do this correctly.<br><br>Thank you very much,<br>James</div>