<div dir="ltr">i can't wrap my head around this..from the FWTools ReadMe.txt :<br><br> "You can
also use the various commands from other win32 command shells as long
as you run the setfw.bat file in the FWTools directly first to setup
the PATH and various other environment variables." <br><br>does this mean i can
call e.g. gdalinfo.exe from any path i.e. C:\windows or just C:\ from
my Windows Command Window? can someone kindly point out where I'm going
wrong (besides my lack of experience w/ this problem).<br>
<br>do i add something to the environmental variables PATH within
Windows? if i'm using FWTools2.2.6 do I need to edit the setfw.bat at
all before running it? do i need to edit my autoexec.nt or autoexec.bat?<br><br>
thanks for the guidance + patience *joe</div>