Hi all.<br>Hi have to convert a Mrsid to tiff, so I use gdal_transalte tools.<br><br>I enter this command in bin_safe directory:<br>gdal_translate -of GTiff /home/frenk/Documenti/Ortofotoa/348030e.sid /home/frenk/Documenti/Ortofotoa/348030e.tif<br>
<br><br>The output is<br><br>ERROR 4: `/home/frenk/Documenti/Ortofotoa/348030e.sid' does not exist in the file system,<br>and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.<br><br>GDALOpen failed - 4<br>`/home/frenk/Documenti/Ortofotoa/348030e.sid' does not exist in the file system,<br>
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.<br><br><br>Where is the error?<br><br>thanks to all<br>best regards<br>f.t.<br><br><br>