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Hi everyone,<BR>I met a problem when using ogr2ogr to convert mif files to mysql.<BR>The comand used:<BR>ogr2ogr -f "MySQL" MySQL: "dbname=test host=localhost port=3306 user=root password=123" d:\test.mif<BR> <BR>The error message:<BR> <BR>ERROR 1: MySQL connect failed for: dbname=test host=localhost port=3306 user=root passw<BR>ord=123<BR>Unknown database 'dbname=test host=localhost port=3306 user=root password=123'<BR>ERROR 1: MySQL driver doesn't currently support database creation.<BR>Please create database before using.<BR>MySQL driver failed to create Mysql:dbname=test host=localhost port=3306 user=root pass<BR>word=123<BR> <BR>The database named 'test' does exist in mysql, and there's no problem with the connection parameters.<BR> <BR>I'm really confused. Can anybody please give some help?<BR> <BR>Cheers!<BR> <BR>Sarah<BR><BR>
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