Dear collegues,<br>I am trying to compile python script to executable file using FWTools libraries.<br>I am trying to use py2exe program for compiling script (<a href=""></a>).<br>
<br>The script itsel works correctly when run by external IDE and also under the FWTools shell:<br><br><br>Compilation of exe file from simple scripts work fine. For example from such a script:<br> #simple script<br>print "Python script to exe test program"<br>
count = 0<br>while count < 10:<br> print "count = " + str(count) +"\n"<br> count = count + 1<br><br>In case of compilation of script that included libraries:<br># import modules<br>import ogr, os, sys<br>
import gdal<br>from gdalconst import *<br><br>I've got following error:<br>The following modules appear to be missing<br>['Numeric', '_gdal']<br><br>Properties:<br>Windows XP (SP3), ArcGIS 9.3.1 with Python25 (C:\Python25\\), after that FW Tools 2.4.7 was installed (that goes with Python 2.3.4).<br>
<br>Any ideas how to find solution for this issue or use any other software?<br>Thank you in advance<br>-- <br>Best regards,<br>Andrey Khmelevskiy<br>