<div>Hello list!</div>
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<div>I'm trying to get the projection from a shapefile using a python script and gdal, but it didn't work. I want to show the EPSG and UTM projection, my code is:</div>
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<div>from osgeo import ogr<br>from osgeo import osr<br>shapeData = ogr.Open(filepath)</div>
<div>layer = shapeData.GetLayer()<br>feature = layer.GetNextFeature()</div>
<div>spatial = layer.GetSpatialRef()</div>
<div>print spatial</div>
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<div>The printing that shows to me, doesn't please me because it prints many times "WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_13N", some of mt shapes don't work with this projection, any idea what I'm doing wrong?<br></div>