<div>I'm working in a python script to get the extent from a raster, I already used GetGeoTransform() and found the x_min and y_max, and the pixels measures. But I also need to get x_max and y_min. In order to do this I make some calculus, but this function will only work if my pixel measures are in meters, otherwise I must have to convert to meters. This is the script:</div>
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<div>impot os</div>
<div>from osgeo import gdal<br>from osgeo.gdalconst import *</div>
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<div>dataset = gdal.Open(filepath, GA_ReadOnly)</div>
<div>geotransform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()</div>
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<div>x_max = (cols*pixel_width) + x_min</div>
<div>y_min = y_max + (rows*pixel_height)</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Does anyone know a better way to do it?</div>
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