Dear List;<br><br>Today we finally released our Python scripts for creating a catalog of geographic information, these scripts walk through directories looking for geographic information in the form of shp, tif, bil
and img and using the GDAL bindings extracting its extent, geometry,
number of elements, projection, dbf description,
user, date last modification, path, etc and writes it into an csv file.        <br><br>We release these scripts as an open source project,
and it is intended to work with the FWTools installation (only was tested in FWTools 2.4.7)<br><br>The scripts can be found in <br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>-- <br>¡Saludos! / Greetings!<br>Juan José Del Toro M.<br><a href=""></a><br>Guadalajara, Jalisco MEXICO<br><br>