[Geotiff] geotiff_i.lib not being created

Thom DeCarlo t.r.decarlo at larc.nasa.gov
Fri Dec 17 16:11:13 EST 2004

I'm trying to compile from a cvs that was grabbed last night. (Using
VS.NET'03 on a WinXP box)

The problem I'm having is that the Name Import Library is not being created.
The dll gets built and the gets built, but the /implib:geotiff_i.lib option
is ignored.

The online help for VS.NET says:

   LINK ignores /IMPLIB when an import library is not being
   created. If no exports are specified, LINK does not create
   an import library. If an export file is used in the build,
   LINK assumes that an import library already exists and does
   not create one.

Can anyone explain to a dolt like me how to force the linker to create this

Frustratedly yours,

Thom DeCarlo
     That Which Does Not Kill Me
     Can Still Hurt Really Bad.

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