[Geotiff] Suggested Functions for libgeotiff

pw p.willis at telus.net
Tue Feb 20 19:16:34 EST 2007


I have suggestions for a couple functions for libgeotiff.

  	int CPL_DLL GTIFKeyType(geokey_t keyID, tagtype_t *data_type);

	This function returns the expected type of data TYPE_SHORT,
	TYPE_ASCII, or TYPE_DOUBLE matching the supplied keyID.

	keyID, The geokey_t name

	data_type, The returned tagtype_t that the keyID is defined as

	1 if successful zero if fail.

This would make automation of using geotiff tags a lot easier.

	int CPL_DLL GTIFGetTagSize(GTIF * gtif, geokey_t keyID, uint16* data_size);

	This function returns the data size, in bytes, of the data
	assigned to keyID in the current geotiff.

	gtif, the GTIF

	keyID, The geokey_t name

	data_size, The returned size of the data for this tag.

	1 if successful zero if fail.

This would help in the allocation of variables tag data
of different sizes including variable length strings at read time.

Best Regards,

Peter Willis

---------------USEFUL SIGNATURE-------------------------------------------

#How do I tell if this is a leap year?

A=`date -d "12/31/<THE_YEAR_IN_QUESTION>" +%j`;echo `expr $A - 365`

#returns 1 (one) if leap year 0 (zero) if not

----------END SIGNATURE--------------------------------------------

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