[Geotiff] (no subject)

TSP tsp.nrsa at rediffmail.com
Mon Jul 5 04:52:51 EST 2010

I wish to use Geo TIFF library in an MFC (using Visual C++ 6) application. I downloaded both ordinary tiff and Geo Tiff libraries, each of which consists of dozens and dozens of files. I included all those files in an MFC project using Project|Add Files facility. Before writing a single line, I compiled but I am getting a lot of errors. Most errors refer to 'unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header...' or such. I included stdafx.h as the first line in the files, but I'm getting different types of errors. 

Can you kindly make me clear on how to use the two libraries; if you write the same in the website it will reach a wide audience. Also examples on how to read and write TIFF as well as Geo TIFF will be welcome. Though some example is given in documentation, I am feeling shaky. My e-mail is tsp.nrsa at rediffmail.com

With many thanks,

Yours sincerely,
 T.S. Prasad
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