[Geotiff] Gauss Schreiber Transverse Mercator

Jean-Claude REPETTO jrepetto at free.fr
Wed Nov 10 16:38:24 EST 2010

On 11/10/10 20:03, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> I see this definition for PROJ.4 that may be a match:
> <REUN47GAUSSL> +title=Reunion Gauss Laborde +proj=gstmerc
> +towgs84=789.5240,-626.4860,-89.9040,0.6006,76.7946,-10.5788,-32.324100
> +a=6378388.0000 +rf=297.0000000000000 +lat_0=-21.116666667
> +lon_0=55.533333333 +k_0=1.00000000 +x_0=160000.000 +y_0=50000.000
> +units=m +no_defs <>
> I do not see any CT_ code that likely corresponds with Gauss Schreiber
> Transverse Mercator in the geo_ctrans.inc file so the short answer seems
> to be "no", there is no accepted way of representing this projection
> method.

It seems that there is a patch waiting in a GDAL Trac ticket, that 
should add this missing support :

Could you apply it ?


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