[Geotiff] geotifcp with -4 or -g flags

Yves Jacolin yjacolin at free.fr
Tue Aug 30 06:06:42 EST 2011


I am testing geotifcp with -4 or -g flags and I get some error. I can't find 
more documentation than the help page [1].

Here is my command line:
geotifcp -4 
-e input.tfw input.tif test_geotiff.tif

resulting in:
Failure in GTIFSetFromProj4

I tried also the -g flag with result in the almost same error message (using a 
prj filename after the -g flag):
Failure in GTIFImport

Any idea? Thanks.

[1] http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/geotifcp.html
Yves Jacolin


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